Cypress, California
With the introduction of digital projection, chemical usage onsite decreased by 95% (as older technology, film projectors, required a greater use of chemicals for their manufacturing and servicing). This allowed Christie® to provide a safer workplace as well as reduce costs associated with purchasing and proper disposal of chemicals.
Compressed workweeks were implemented reducing CO2 and time commuting by 10% for service production and staff.
LED lighting retrofit of parking lot metal halide wall and pole fixtures, resulting in an average reduction in electricity usage of 76%.

Kitchener, Ontario
Reduced annual weight of generated landfill waste by over 60% between 2007 and 2015. In the same timeframe, the facility’s recycling rate also improved by almost 37%.
Has maintained a minimum annual recycle rate of 80% since 2009.
In the last 5 years, the total volume of chemicals brought into the facility has been reduced by over 25%.
HVAC and building improvements resulted in over 47% decrease in Natural Gas consumption between 2004 and 2015.
Upgrades in plumbing fixtures have resulted in over 27% decrease in Water consumption between 2004 and 2015.
Building automation, improved lighting technologies, awareness campaigns have reduced determined CO2e by just over 22% between 2004 and 2015, despite the number of our fulltime employees having grown by over 250%.

Cologne, Germany
The facility has developed a special arrangement with a neighboring business, which takes their old packaging and reuses it.
Both the culture and policies in Germany reduce waste and promote conservation, including practices such as:A third of employees use public transportation for their work commute.
having to pay for all water used (not just heated water)
strict recycling rules that see some regions being required to wash out containers, remove aluminum lids, labels, etc., and
having to pay to have waste picked up, resulting in creating as little true garbage as possible.
Product packaging is specifically designed for the products manufactured, ensuring only the necessary amount of packaging is used.

Christie companies overall
Christie reduces paper use through software that includes document and record management, document imaging and workflow.
Christie University invested in tablet computers to replace the use of paper-based materials and notes for in-class sessions.
Field Service Technicians issued tablet computers to replace previously used paper-based forms.
