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Christie Digital Christie Digital

Christie Mystique

A grouping of Mystique software product boxes

Multi-projector arrays, projection mapping and complex screen shapes and surfaces require expert image configuration, alignment, warping and blending – processes that can take hours of painstaking work. Christie® Mystique is an automated camera-based alignment and recalibration solution that lets you quickly install, align, calibrate and maintain multi-projection systems.

Product compatibility

Christie projectors

With a broad choice of compatible projectors, it’s possible to specify a Christie Mystique solution for a wide variety of applications and budgets. The following Christie Twist-enabled projectors support Mystique:


Christie Pandoras Box

Mystique* integrates directly with Christie Pandoras Box® Version 6 and higher, enabling automated camera-based alignment and calibration for large-scale projections, regardless of the projector you use.

Mystique brochure

Christie Mystique Brochure


Camera​​s, proje​ctors, scree​​ns, support



Mystique Lite icon

Download at no cost

E​ssentials Edition 

Mystique Essentials Edition icon

Pro Venue Edition 

Mystique Pro Venue Edition icon

Premium Edition ​​​

Mystique Premium Edition icon

Large Scale Experience​ Edition 

Mystique Large Scale Experience Edition icon

​Number of cameras

1 webcam1
(not supplied)





Number of projectors 

Up to 3 Christie projectors in a horizontal array2





Supported screen or surface shapes 

Flat only

Flat only

Flat and cylindrical

Flat, curved and custom-shaped screens and surfaces, including domes5

Flat, curved and custom-shaped screens and surfaces, including domes, buildings and objects5

Christie Pandoras Box support   

 Recalibration features  




Manual recalibration (camera-based)



Automatic recalibration (camera-based)   


Automatic recalibration (screen markers)   



Christie Guardian   





Christie Mystique® Operate   

Content layout modes    

Wallpaper (basic)                                  


Wallpaper (advanced)



Fields of view




Fields of view (collimated)




Projector centric





3D layout





  Additi​​​​onal features 

Automated color and brightness uniformity6,7




Background compensation6




Alignment for surfaces with fixed markings such as sports playing surfaces or stages





Alignment for 3D projection mapping





Electronic black-level blending





Rear-projection support


Dual-screen mode






*Our Mystique Lite software can only be used with Christie projectors.
1 Supported webcams: Logitech c920 and Logitech c920s
2 Warping and blending only. No stacking.
     Supported projectors: Christie Inspire Series, DWU880-GS, DWU1100-GS, DWU1400-GS, HS Series, Crimson Series, M 4K RGB Series, Griffyn Series, Sapphire 4K40-RGBH, 4K40-RGB series, and Boxer Series.
3 Supports up to 12 projectors in a 2 high x 3 wide configuration, double-stacked
4 Number of projectors limited by capable resolution of the single camera
5 Screens include primitive shapes including flat, curved or dome shapes, or by importing a screen model. Custom screen shapes should be smooth, continuous screens
6 Requires Mystique Version 2.6 or greater and a single, color camera. Supported projectors: M 4K RGB SeriesGriffyn Series, Sapphire 4K40-RGBH, 4K40-RGB Series, Boxer 4K30, and Mirage 304K.
7 The results will be limited by the lowest-performing projector in the array.


Christie Mystique software editions

Mystique Lite

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